How old is Kaden?

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 4, 2011

This week we Celebrate!

This week is a very special one for us! First we Celebrate our 5Th wedding anniversary! And 6 years ago this is the very week we started dating! I honestly can say I am married to the MOST amazing man. If I had to list all of the things I love about would take all day...and lots of words. But to sum it up...He is caring, intelligent, funny, handsome, he keeps me grounded, he takes care of us financially, & spiritually. I am so thankful to married to a man who honors fatherhood and husbandhood(that's really not a word!) He takes seriously our marriage and being together forever. I don't know how I got lucky enough to meet him...but I am so thankful I did, and so thankful to be married to him! I love you hunny! Happy 5Th!

Secondly and so important! Kaden is Celebrating his 4Th Birthday today! We Received the amazing news we were expecting a baby only 3 months after we got married. It was a belated Christmas gift! We knew we wanted to have a baby right away...and so we were thrilled! He has been part of our lives almost as long as Andy and i have been a part of each other! We love him! He has such a sweet personality and is so concerned about others...even at such a young age! He is so smart...learning how to talk at age 1, and not stopping since! There is not a quite moment at our home...and if there is, Kaden manages to make some noise or song to break that moment! He is learning to read and put letters together and just started soccer and preschool this last week! I am so thankful for the two wonderful boys in my life. If this is the way my life is meant to be...With just Me, Andy and Kaden. I am one Lucky girl! I truly mean that!

(This was from Kaden's Birthday Party Yesterday! More Pics to come! It was Awesome!)

Kaden is the reason i am doing this blog! I have so many friends and family that don't get to see him grow up like i do! So I am hoping to post new pictures as often as i can, so i can keep everyone caught up on what were doing!

Kaden baby!

Kaden baby!